Open Research Programme
The goal of the Office for Open Research is to foster a healthier research culture at The University of Manchester through the wider adoption of Open Research practices, in line with the University's position statement on Open Research.
We work in partnership with key stakeholders across the University, including:
- The Vice President for Research, Professor Colette Fagan;
- The Institutional Lead for Open and Reproducible Research, Professor Andrew Stewart;
We drive progress towards the University's strategic Open Research goals by delivering initiatives and projects through our Open Research Programme, under the governance of the Open Research Strategy Group (ORSG) which is chaired by the Vice President for Research. Find out more:
Open Research skills and training
Developing the skills necessary to engage with Open Research practices is an important part of making research more open and transparent. The Open Research Skills Framework has been developed to allow researchers to identify the skills they already have and, through the My Research Essentials skills programme and the work of our Open Research Fellows, those which they can develop further.
- Find out more about our Open Research skills and training offer.
Open Research Indicators
Indicators of Open Research practice are key to measuring the progress of the Open Research movement. The Office for Open Research is developing infrastructure such as the Open Research Tracker to integrate Open Research indicators into our Research Indicators support.
Open Research systems
The Office for Open Research is committed to identifying, piloting, and supporting access to a number of Open Research systems which can offer benefits to University of Manchester researchers and enable open sharing of research.
- Find out more about our Open Research systems offer.
Research Data Stewardship
Ensuring that research data is managed for long-term reuse and is responsibly shared, in accordance with best practice research data management and the FAIR data principles, is key to developing an open, secure, and collaborative research environment at our University. The Research Data Stewardship project, in collaboration with the Research Lifecycle Programme, aims to bring together the growing community of data stewards at the University and formalise this important role in our research teams, departments, and institutes.
News and events
Keep up to date with the latest Open Research news and events
Open Research Conference
Find out more about The University of Manchester's Open Research Conference